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Biapp – Business Intelligence as a Service

Preconfigured Power BI applications

What are BiApps?

Biapps are preconfigured Power BI applications, i.e. with the data model and visualizations ready to use, in our portfolio we have two types of Biapps

  • Sectorial Biapp: Based on data external to the organization.
  • Prefabricated Biapp: Based on internal data from organization-specific software.

Sectorial Biapps

BiApp Colombian Sugar Sector

Find the Colombian Sugar Market information in one place (Prices, Weather, Exchange Rate, Tariffs, Forecasts, News).

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BiApp Covid 19 in Colombia

Find the main metrics of COVID-19 evolution in Colombia (Confirmed, Fatalities, Prevalence and Incidence Rates).

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Prefabricated Biapps

BiApp Biosalc

Dashboards with information on agricultural and industrial production (production by area, yields, efficiencies).

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BiApp Hosvital

Dashboard with information on the operation of hospital services (timeliness of care, stays, occupancy).

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